Editor'S Choice

The evolutionary history of measles puts a new date on the origin of the virus

The evolutionary history of measles puts a new date on the origin of the virus

The measles virus began infecting humans 1,400 years earlier than previously thought. Thus concludes a new study whose results can help in the fight against other human pathogens. Approximately in the 6th century BC. About 1,400 years earlier than is currently estimated, the measles virus separated from a closely related virus that was transmitted between livestock, according to a new study published in the journal Science.

The History of The USS Paricutin - History

The History of The USS Paricutin - History

Paricutin(AE-18: dp. 15,295, 1. 459& 39;2& 34;, b. 63& 39; dr. 28& 39;3& 34;, s. 16.4 k.cpl. 267; a. 1 5& 34;, 4 3& 34;, 4 40mm., cf. Mount Hood, T. C2S-AJ1)Paricutin (AE-18) was laid down under Maritime Commission Contract, 7 December 1944 by North Carolina SB CoWilmington, N.C. as MC hull 1708, launcbed 30 January 1945, sponsored by Seilora Arias De Garcia Jurado, Mexican Embassy, Wash.

82nd & Fifth: Tang Dynasty Figure

82nd & Fifth: Tang Dynasty Figure

Http://82nd-and-fifth.metmuseum.org/she Explore this object: http://82nd-and-fifth.metmuseum.org/figure-of-a-seated-court-lady-china-2010.120 "It also...

Gate, Theodosian Walls

Gate, Theodosian Walls

One of the ten gates of the Theodosian Walls of Constantinople, completed c. 413 CE.

The Springtime of the Renaissance: Sculpture and the Arts in Florence 1400-60

The Springtime of the Renaissance: Sculpture and the Arts in Florence 1400-60

Springtime of the Renaissance: Sculpture and the Arts in Florence, 1400-60 is the exhibition catalogue of an international, retrospective exhibition currently...

How the limbs of vertebrates evolved from the fins of fish

How the limbs of vertebrates evolved from the fins of fish

A research team led by the researcher from the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE) Borja Esteve Altava, in collaboration with researchers from the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) of London, Harvard University, the University of Auckland, the Institute of Technology of New York and Howard University in Washington DC, has recomposed the anatomy of the fins and limbs of extinct fossil animals by using a new mathematical analysis that uses networks to model animal anatomy.