They find the Roman amphitheater in the city of Ammaia

They find the Roman amphitheater in the city of Ammaia

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For the second consecutive year, the international collaboration project between the Foundation for Roman Studies-National Museum of Roman Art of Mérida, the City of Ammaia Foundation, and the University of Lisbon, and the support of the Municipality of Marvao.

Lusitania: Research and Archaeological Project in the Roman city of Ammaia”Is an International Project financed by the Ministry of Culture and Sports through the grants convened in competitive competition for Archaeological Projects abroad by the Cultural Institute of Spain (IPCE).

During the months of June and July, a new archaeological excavation campaign is being carried out in the Roman city of Ammaia (Marvao). In this year, the objective set in the Project was the exploration and expansion of the prospecting and excavation works to new public spaces in Ammaia, which would allow a more complete knowledge of the Roman city.

The archaeological works in the forum area of ​​the city, the best known area so far, have continued and progress is being made in the better knowledge of this complex, in its different construction and use phases.

To prepare for the new excavation campaign, geomagnetic geophysical surveys, with the collaboration of the Archeology Institute of Mérida, which made it possible to improve prior knowledge of the new intervention area, as well as to define the areas of greatest interest, where the existence of recreational buildings in the city was presumed.

During the weeks of excavation that have been carried out, it has been possible confirm the existence of a new public building, an amphitheater, of which it has been possible to identify one of its doors, as well as the beginning of the stands on both sides of it.

This identification is of the utmost importance, since it is the fifth amphitheater identified in the entire province of Lusitania, after that of Mérida, Cáparra, Conimbriga and Bobadela. It is a building that would be about 60 meters long on its longest axis.

In the coming weeks, work will continue to advance the definition of the show building and its surroundings. The support of the Ammaia Foundation is essential both in the amphitheater area and city forum, where it is excavated in parallel, as well as all the aforementioned institutions involved, which accredit this project as an example of a cross-border program between both countries in favor of our common heritage and culture.

More information: Lusitania Project

Via NdP National Museum of Roman Art

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