SA80 User Handbook

SA80 User Handbook

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SA80 User Handbook

The front cover of the SA80 5.56mm Enfield Weapon System User Handbook

Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) Manual

This webpage includes the current version of the MDS 3.0 RAI Manual and Associated documents. This page will be updated when:

  • An update is made to the MDS RAI 3.0 Manual
  • A newer version of the MDS RAI 3.0 Manual becomes available
  • Or important information regarding the MDS 3.0 RAI Manual needs to be communicated.

Older versions of the MDS 3.0 RAI Manual are available for reference in the MDS 3.0 RAI Manual Archive.

On this webpage you will also find the most current MDS 3.0 Item Sets and Appendix B which lists all of the State RAI and Automation Coordinators.

Summary of the handbook

Created in 1995, JavaScript has gone a very long way since its humble beginnings.

It was the first scripting language that was supported natively by web browsers, and thanks to this it gained a competitive advantage over any other language and today it's still the only scripting language that we can use to build Web Applications.

Other languages exist, but all must compile to JavaScript - or more recently to WebAssembly, but this is another story.

In the begining, JavaScript was not nearly powerful as it is today, and it was mainly used for fancy animations and the marvel known at the time as Dynamic HTML.

With the growing needs that the web platform demanded (and continues to demand), JavaScript had the responsibility to grow as well, to accommodate the needs of one of the most widely used ecosystems of the world.

JavaScript is also now widely used outside of the browser. The rise of Node.js in the last few years unlocked backend development, once the domain of Java, Ruby, Python, PHP, and more traditional server-side languages.

JavaScript is now also the language powering databases and many more applications, and it's even possible to develop embedded applications, mobile apps, TV apps, and much more. What started as a tiny language inside the browser is now the most popular language in the world.

23.4.2. The processing log¶

The history dialog only contains the execution calls, but not the information produced by the algorithm when executed. That information is written to the QGIS log ( View ► Panels ► Log Messages Panel ).

Third-party algorithms are usually executed by using their command-line interfaces, which communicate with the user via the console. Although that console is not shown, usually a full dump of it is written to the log each time you run one of those algorithms. To avoid cluttering the log with that information, you can disable it for each provider in the settings dialog.

Some algorithms, even if they can produce a result with the given input data, output comments or additional information to log when they detect potential problems with the data, in order to warn you. Make sure you check those messages in the log if you get unexpected results.

© Copyright 2002-now, QGIS project. Last updated on Jun 22, 2021 09:02.

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About Your John Deere

John Deere & Company was founded in 1837. It has grown from a blacksmith shop with only one person to a group company that now sells in more than 160 countries around the world and employs approximately 37,000 people worldwide. Since 1837, the company has followed John Deere’s values: commitment to product quality, customer service, honest business, and respect for individual contributions. Through continuous improvement and beneficial growth, the company strives to create value for shareholders.

What are some good employee handbook examples?

Even once you know everything that needs to go into an employee handbook, it can still be hard to really envision what they’re supposed to look like once they’ve come together. This is where examples come in. It’s a lot easier to think about what your company’s handbook will look like if you can work from some sample employee handbooks. Here are six great employee handbook examples worth reviewing:

  1. Nordstrom. While they don’t hit every point many companies will want to include, their one simple rule approach nails the simplicity message. Start with one simple rule and you can always fill in the rest later.
  2. Valve. If you’ve been asking around about handbooks, it’s likely that someone mentioned Valve’s as an example. It went viral a while back because of how well it’s executed—touching on everything from company philosophy to walking new hires through their first day of work.
  3. Hubspot. This handbook makes the list because it manages to achieve so much through a traditional PowerPoint format. By sharing it on SlideShare, they practice the transparency they preach in the process.
  4. Netflix. There’s a reason that there is a good chance that you’ve probably heard about Netflix’s employee handbook before. It delineates the company’s culture and values, and makes them actionable.
  5. Facebook. The handbook for this tech company is so expertly designed that it practically compels you to read it over and over again—a great feat in the world of employee handbooks.
  6. Trello. This tech company uses their own platform to house their handbook, which they call an employee manual. Talk about walking the walk.
  7. Sterling Gold Mining Corporation. This online handbook is a one-page scrolling site that delivers clever, creative, and communicative information to new hires and employees alike.

As these examples show, there are plenty of ways to approach your employee handbook. Start with the foundation and values of your company and download our employee handbook guide and use our customizable templates to design your own today!


Library Literature under the subject headings: "Floppy discs—Care and restoration, Local history and records—Care and restoration," "Preservation of library materials," "Recorded sound archives—Care and restoration," and "Video recordings—Care and restoration."

Preservation Guidelines in ARL Libraries. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, Office of Management Studies, 1987.

Darling, Pamela W., and Duane E. Webster. Preservation Planning Program: An Assisted Self-Study Manualfor Libraries. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, Office of Management Studies, 1987.

Darling, Pamela W., and Wesley L. Boomgaarden. Preservation Planning Program Resource Notebook. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, Office of Management Studies, 1987.

RLG Preservation Manual. 2d ed. Stanford, Calif.: Research Libraries Group, 1986- .

Morrow, Carolyn Clark, and Carole Dyal. Conservation Treatment Procedures: A Manual of Step-by-Step Procedures for the Maintenance and Repair of Library Materials. 2d ed. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1986.

Gunner, Jean. Simple Repair and Preservation Techniques for Collection Curators, Librarians, andArchivists. 3d ed. Pittsburgh, Penn.: Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1984.


The ASHRAE Handbook is published in a series of four volumes, one of which is revised each year, ensuring that no volume is older than four years. Each volume is available in I-P (Inch-Pound) or SI (System International) units of measurement. Contact Handbook Editor Heather Kennedy via e-mail at [email protected].

Subscribe to or Access ASHRAE Handbook Online

Subscribers may login to ASHRAE Handbook Online to view content anytime, anywhere while online.

Members: Download PDF of 2019 HVAC Applications Handbook

Eligible members who chose the PDF as part of their member benefit can download their electronic copy of the 2019 ASHRAE Handbook—Refrigeration from the ASHRAE Technology Portal.

Purchase Handbook in Print* or PDF

Purchase any of the current Handbook volumes in print or individual chapter PDFs through the ASHRAE Bookstore, or PDFs of the entire volume for 2018 Refrigeration, 2019 HVAC Applications, or 2020 HVAC Systems & Equipment through the Technology Portal.

*Because of the high cost of printing and shipping the printed Handbook and for purposes of sustainability, ASHRAE asks you to consider receiving the searchable PDF of the Fundamentals Handbook as your benefit of membership this year. The Society appreciates your choosing not to receive the printed Handbook if you can use the electronic version instead.

Purchase the Volume or individual PDFs in the online bookstore:PURCHASE THE HANDBOOK
Subscribe to a complete set of PDFs through the Tech Portal:SUBSCRIBE to HANDBOOK PDFS

Comment on the Handbook

ASHRAE welcomes your comments on the Handbook or a specific Handbook chapter.

Comment on the Handbook: To submit a comment about any aspect or part of the Handbook series, you can use the Handbook Comment Form.

Review a Handbook Chapter: To provide your feedback about a specific Handbook chapter, you can answer the brief survey questions on the Handbook Chapter Review Form

Handbook Central

Information and tools for ASHRAE TCs developing Handbook Content

For more ASHRAE Handbook Committee information, go to the Handbook Committee Page

Handbook Corrections

General Handbook Corrections - I-P Edition
(Items marked in yellow are new - updated 10/11/2019) (PDF)

General Handbook Corrections - SI Edition
(Items marked in yellow are new - updated 10/11/2019) (PDF)

I-P version of Chapter 46 from 2019 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications
(the correct I-P version is available here)

I-P version of Chapter 47 from 2019 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications
(the correct I-P version is available here)

Handbook Series Content

Composite Index to entire Handbook Series (Updated August 1, 2018)

2020 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Systems and Equipment

2019 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

2018 ASHRAE Handbook—Refrigeration

2017 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals

Handbook History

Translations of ASHRAE Handbook and ASHRAE Standards

ASHRAE supports the use of ASHRAE Standards and ASHRAE Handbook internationally. Procedures and policies are in place to promote such uses while protecting ASHRAE's intellectual property and technical credibility. Agreements vary depending on source of requests (ASHRAE chapters, Associate Societies, commercial publishers or other commercial firms, government, standards bodies, other associations, and educational institutions). ASHRAE also considers requests for translation of other ASHRAE books, articles, and papers. To request a translation agreement, contact Mark Owen, Publisher/Director of Publications & Education, at [email protected].

View a complete list of Standards and Guidelines currently offered by ASHRAE

Tag Historian Querying

While the data is stored openly in the database, the format does not lend itself well to direct querying. Instead, Ignition offers a range of built-in querying options that are very powerful and flexible. In addition to the simple on-change querying, the system can perform advanced functions such as querying many tags from multiple providers, calculating their quality, interpolating their values, and coordinating their timestamps to provide fixed resolution returns.

Querying can be performed on tables and charts through the Historical Binding, and through scripting. You can also query tags from the Reporting Module.

Manual:revision table

The revision table holds metadata for every edit done to a page within the wiki. Every edit of a page creates a revision row, which holds information such as the user who made the edit, the time at which the edit was made, and a reference to the new wikitext in the text table.

Note that a row is partly about the edit operation and partly about the result of that operation, the new wikitext. It does not give a direct reference to the old wikitext.

Import of the last revision of a page from another wiki produces two entries in the revision table, one with the date and wikitext of the imported revision, and one with the import date. The wikitext of the latter, which becomes that of the current page, is, if a page with the same name already existed, that of the more recent of the two pages.

The revision table is very similar to the recentchanges table. The revision table is used for page history and user contributions listings. The recentchanges table is used for recent changes , related changes , watchlists , and, in the case of page creation, for the list of new pages .

  • The recentchanges table also records logged events such as page moves and deletions
  • Items in the recentchanges table are periodically purged those in the revision table are retained permanently, unless the page is deleted or the site owner runs the deleteOldRevisions.php maintenance script.
  • as said, import of a page revision not only adds an entry to the revision table with the import date, but also one with the original date.

Deleted revisions are moved to the archive table.

The revision table and the text table were introduced in MediaWiki 1.5 to supersede the cur table.

Rev_id Edit

This field holds the primary key for each revision. page_latest is a foreign key to this field. The rev_id numbers have been preserved across deletion/undeletion since the table's inception in MediaWiki 1.5, when rev_id and text_id superseded the old cur_id.

Rev_page Edit

This field holds a reference to the page to which this revision pertains. The number in this field is equal to the page_id field of said page. This should never be invalid if it is, that revision won't show up in the page history. If page.page_latest links to a revision with an invalid rev_page, this will cause the "The revision #0 of the page named 'Foo' does not exist" error. (similar issue might occur when slots and content are missing for the revision)

Rev_text_id Edit

This is a foreign key to old_id in the text table. (The text table is where the actual bulk text is stored.) It's possible for multiple revisions to use the same text - for instance, revisions where only metadata is altered, or where a rollback is done to a previous version.

(deprecated in 1.31) If rows in the slots table with slots.slot_revision_id = rev_id exist, this field should be ignored (and may be 0) in favor of the corresponding data from the slots and content tables.

(removed in 1.35) This column was replaced by content.content_address.

Rev_comment Edit

This field holds an editor's edit summary (editor's comment on revision). This text is shown in the history and contributions. (The recentchanges table contains a copy used for recent changes , related changes , watchlists , and, in the case of page creation, for the list of new pages .) It is rendered in a sanitized subset of wiki markup.

(deprecated) revcomment_comment_id of the revision_comment_temp table and the comment table should be used instead!

(removed in 1.35) This column was replaced by revision.rev_comment_id, which references comment.comment_id.

Rev_comment_id Edit

This is a foreign key to comment_id in the comment table.

If this field contains zero in each record, the comment id must be retrieved from the revision_comment_temp table. Supposedly, this table will be merged with the table revision again in the future.

Rev_user Edit

This is equal to the user_id of the user who made this edit. The value for this field is 0 for anonymous edits, initializations scripts, and for some mass imports.

(deprecated in 1.31) While actor migration is being done, and depending on the configuration setting $wgActorTableSchemaMigrationStage , this field may be empty and the actor performing the edit can be stored in the rev_actor field or the revision_actor_temp table instead.

(removed in 1.35) This column was removed along with revision.rev_user_text. This column is replaced by revision.rev_actor, which references actor.actor_id.

Rev_user_text Edit

This field holds the text of the editor's username , or the IP address of the editor if the revision was done by an unregistered user.

In anonymous revisions imported from UseModWiki or early incarnations of the Phase II software, this field may contain an IP address with the final octet obscured (i.e. d<1,3>.d<1,3>.d<1,3>.xxx such as see bug 3631). Some edits imported from UseModWiki may contain a Reverse DNS lookup hostname like or .

(deprecated in 1.31) While actor migration is being done, and depending on the configuration setting $wgActorTableSchemaMigrationStage , this field may be empty and the actor performing the edit can be stored in the rev_actor field or the revision_actor_temp table instead.

(removed in 1.35) This column was removed along with revision.rev_user. This column is replaced by revision.rev_actor, which references actor.actor_id.

Rev_actor Edit

This is a foreign key to actor_id in the actor table. If this field contains zero in each record, the actor id must be retrieved from the revision_actor_temp table. Supposedly, this table will be merged with the table revision again in the future. See Actor migration .

Rev_timestamp Edit

Rev_minor_edit Edit

Records whether the user marked the 'minor edit' checkbox. If the value for this field is 1, then the edit was declared as 'minor' it is 0 otherwise. Many automated edits are marked as minor.

Rev_deleted Edit

This field is reserved for RevisionDelete system. It's a bitfield in which the values are DELETED_TEXT = 1 DELETED_COMMENT = 2 DELETED_USER = 4 and DELETED_RESTRICTED = 8. So, for example, if nothing has been deleted from that revision, then the value is 0 if both the comment and user have been deleted, then the value is 6.

Rev_len Edit

This field contains the length of the article after the revision, in bytes. Used in history pages. Corresponds to rc_new_len .

Rev_parent_id Edit

The rev_id of the previous revision to the page. Corresponds to rc_last_oldid . For edits which are new page creations, rev_parent_id = 0.

Usage Edit

This field is used to add support for a tree structure. This field is e.g. used to calculate the size difference of a certain revision with the previous revision in the page history view. If a parent ID points to a revision that's associated with a different page, MediaWiki will still use that parent revision as a basis of comparison for purposes of calculating size difference. If a revision is deleted from the database, and another revision's parent ID still points to it, then MediaWiki will behave the same as if there were no parent revision i.e. it will assume the previous size was 0.

Transferred revisions Edit

When revisions are imported from another wiki, the imported revisions' parent ID tree structure from the source wiki is retained (this is implemented by each revision's, other than the tail revision, having a ‎< parentid > XML element that is used to populate rev_parent_id), and the destination wiki's revisions' parent IDs are not updated. Likewise, when page histories are merged, the parent IDs of the revisions from the source and destination pages are not updated. populateParentId.php can be used to populate rev_parent_id based on revision timestamps and revision IDs. In the case of an edit conflict, the revision ID of the edit that is saved first (causing the conflict) will be used as the parent ID of the edit that is saved second (after resolving the conflict).

Rev_sha1 Edit

This field is used to add the SHA-1 text content hash in base-36 (generated by Wikimediaase_convert() .) Since 1.32, it's a nested hash of hashes of content_sha1 across all slots of the revision. If the revision only has one slot, the values of the rev_sha1 and content_sha1 fields are identical. The nested hash algorithm is implemented in RevisionSlots :: computeSha1 () . It can be outlined as:

Rev_content_model Edit

Content model, see CONTENT_MODEL_XXX constants in Defines.php . These IDs will be exposed in the API and XML dumps. Extensions that define their own content model IDs should take care to avoid conflicts. Using the extension name as a prefix is recommended, for example 'myextension-somecontent'. Possible values are, e.g.: 'wikitext', 'javascript', 'css', 'text', and 'json'

(deprecated in 1.31) If rows in the slots table with slot_revision_id = rev_id this field should be ignored (and may be NULL) in favor of the corresponding data from the slots and content tables.

(removed in 1.35) This column was replaced by content.content_model, which references content_models.model_id.

Rev_content_format Edit

Content format, see CONTENT_FORMAT_XXX constants in Defines.php . These should be MIME types, and will be exposed in the API and XML dumps. Extensions are free to use the below formats, or define their own. It is recommended to stick with the conventions for MIME types. Possible values are, e.g.: 'text/x-wiki', 'text/javascript', 'text/css', 'text/plain', 'text/html', 'application/vnd.php.serialized', 'application/json', 'application/xml'

(deprecated in 1.31) If rows in the slots table with slot_revision_id = rev_id exist, this field should be ignored (and may be NULL).

(removed in 1.35) This column was removed. The ContentHandler class is able to automatically detect the content format, and replaces this column.

Watch the video: VR L98A2 Weapons Handling Test. WHT Revisited